Day 8
On our final day of the Get Grounded by Training the Brain A-Term, we started the day off by naming our favorite anchors that we use to get grounded when we are practicing meditation or just in need of getting out of our head. We then proceeded to meditate with our anchors in mind, using them so that we don’t get swept away by our racing thoughts. After we had discussed how this meditation was for us, Emilio presented his final project to the class, which was a helpful meditation that focused on love and compassion regarding racism and bias. Next, we moved into our art section, where we reflected on our mandalas and the meaning of them and their different parts before having the dissolution ceremony for them. While destroying something you spent time and energy on might sound odd, this practice is a way to show that everything is temporary and that anything you get attached to will eventually come to pass and you need to learn to let things that you love go. The dissolution cerem...