Day 3

 Blog for the day 3

During the third day of this amazing journey of mindfulness and meditation, we started by continuing talking about self compassion, where we were discussing and trying to understand how to deal with people that need help for leaving behind their negative and racist thoughts. We spent a lot of time discussing whether to give love to these people or just to comprehend their suffering but not giving love. 

Emily painting her rock

The next activity that we did during the second part of the morning was about dot painting. We started by learning and watching videos of different techniques of dot painting for then to work on rocks to do magnificent and beautiful pieces of art. This practice helped to fully immerse in art and really connect with yourself and go to your creative place to expand it more. 

The class practiced their dots on paper before moving on to the rocks

After we came back from lunch and break, we started to work on our next activity that was a seminar of self compassion. In this seminar we talked and discussed the main ideas and interesting facts that each student liked or had doubts on how to overcome any situation or even how to be comprehensive with people and connect with you. 

The class practicing their balance during yoga

The next activity that we had was yoga, where we basically studied and worked on different poses with Dr. Reese, with the main goal of stretching ourselves and earning strength, flexibility, and really have a deeper connection with our bodies in each position. 

The last activity of the day was meditation with sound healing, where we basically relaxed and felt different emotions with the sounds that were made by our guest of the class. She was playing crystal singing bowls. Running the mallet around the bowl with slight pressure will create the tone. When this happens, the bowl is said to sing. 

Everyone relaxed during sound healing


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